Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Same Love"

This morning,  I did my normal routine of waking up, eating breakfast, and going to the bus.  Every morning on the bus, I plug in my headphones and listen to music.   However, for some reason, today more than other days, I focused on the lyrics of the song.  One song that particularly struck me was "Same Love" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, featuring Miranda Lambert.  Here are the lyrics of the song.

In this song, Macklemore focuses on how gay people are not treated equally to straight people: "Gay is synonymous with the lesser".  It's hard to argue that gays are treated equally to straights, especially when culture accepts this reality.  Macklemore recognizes this acceptance of culture as well: "'Man that's gay' gets dropped on the daily, we've become so to what we're saying".  I have to admit that I used to occasionally use the word "gay" in a derogatory way until I began to realize how offensive it really was.  As a result, many people are afraid to admit that they are gay for the fear that they may be ostracized.

I, like Macklemore, am not gay, but I also have a gay member in my nuclear family and I realize the severity of inequality.  The United States Declaration of Independence states, "All men are created equal"; however, are gay people really treated as equals?  Currently, I would argue they are not treated equally.  Gays are in a similar boat as African-Americans were when they were fighting for their equality during the Civil Rights Movement.

The Civil Rights Movement resulted in the Civil Rights Act, which was a step in the right direction, even though it did not solve the social problems.  Macklemore sings, "And a certificate on paper isn't gonna solve it all, but it's a damn good place to start".  After gays can legally marry, they will be legally equal, but then the next step would be social acceptance.  "No law's gonna change us, we have to change us".  It's going to take a public acceptance in order for gays to feel equal, allowing gays to come out of the closet.  A lot of work needs to be done in order for gays to feel equal, but many states that have legalized gay marriage have made a good start.

Why do you think gays are treated unfairly?  What do people have against gays?  Please comment below.

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